
Manzar ek bulandi per aur hum bana leteh arsh se idhar hota kaash ke
makan apna
Manzar ek bulandi per aur hum bana leteh arsh se idhar hota kaash ke
makan apna
Mujhko dayare gair me mara vatan se dur , rakh li mere khuda neh , meri bekasi ki sharmoh For a death In a foreign land Far from a country that’s my own. And so has god saved me from disgrace of my own helplessness!
Phir is andaz se bahar ai , ki hue mehr-o-mah tamasai Into spectators have turned the moon and the sun for spring has come again with glory and all splendor!
“Bas ki dusvar hai, har kaam ka asan hona , admi ko bhi muyassar nahi , insa hona ” “It is so difficult for everything to become so easy as is indeed most difficult for a man to become a human being! ”
Ima mujhe roke hai, jo khiche hai mujhe kufr , kabah mere piche hai , kalisa mere aage ” Virtue pulls me from behind but oh for the pull of temptations in front . With the ka’ba behind me it’s the heresy in front! 威而鋼
Hum muvahhid hai , hamara kes hai tarke rusum , millateh jab mit gayi ajza -e-ima ho gayi He is one above all rituals above all dogma above all customs it is only where these paths cease does true faith begin.
“Dame har maoj me hai , halqah – e sadkame nihang dekhe kya guzre hai qatre pe , guhar hone tak .” “For I would be the drop that turns into a pearl but the dangers all around with crocodiles ferocious with open jaws.”